Two Services this Sunday Join us at 9:00am and 11:00am!

RPC Groups

Learn more about what RPC has to offer for you to connect and grow spiritually

What Groups are about

The goal of RPC Groups are to help others Connect by building Community and Cultivating their relationship with God and others.

At RPC we have two categories of Groups, both groups encourage connection. The goal of community groups is to build community through depending relationship with others, the goal of cultivate groups is to cultivate a deeper understanding of the Word of God and Biblical principals through study. 

Summer 2024 Groups

Summer groups kick off the first week of June! Check back as more groups are added.

Community Groups

Cultivate Groups

Mid-Week at RPC

This Summer at RPC our theme is "Better Together". We will be focusing on developing community and connection. We will be having special mid-week services througout the summer with musical guests, guest speakers, and various staff pastors sharing. We will have several opportunities for connection through special fellowship events. For more information on Summer Events and other events check out our church Calendar.

Right Now Media

Rightnow Media is a free online video database for everyone at RPC. You will find great videos for your kids, awesome Bible studies from some of the world's top authors and pastors, and much more. All you have to do is click the link below and register to have full access to this great free resources.