What is Discipleship?
What is discipleship?
A Disciple is someone who is learning to be like Jesus. Modeling everything in life to be more like Him. Discipleship is the process where becoming like Jesus takes place.
How do we become a disciple?
Disicpleship does not take place overnight. Becoming a disciple is more than sitting through a sermon, a six-week class, or a small group, it is a life-long process of growing and maturing in Christ. It requires commitment.
1.) We must value scripture. (2 Timothy 2:15, Hebrews 4:12, Joshua 1:8, Psalm 119:105, Revelation 1:3, Romans 15:4) If discipleship is modeling our life after Jesus, we must know who Jesus was, what He said, and what He is speaking to us. At RPC we are reading the word together this year, you can follow along on our reading plan or pick up a printed copy at the RPC life desk.
2.)We must make prayer a priority (Phillipians 4:6, Colossians 4:2, Acts 2:42, Luke 22:39-46, Ephesians 6:18, James 5:13, Matthew 7:7-8). Jesus made prayer a priority, if He prayed how much more do we need to pray? Prayer is a part of every service, small group, and activity that we are a part of. We have a special time of prayer before services and prayer groups throughout the week.
3.)We must be connected with Biblical community. (1 Corinthians 1:10, 1 John 1:7, Colossians 3:13, Galations 6:2, Proverbs 27:17, Matthew 18:20, Romans 12:5, Hebrews 10:25) There is no subsitute for gathering with other belivers. We gather on Sundays at 9:00am and 11:00am and Wednesdays for mid-week at 6:30pm. We have multiple fellowship oppertunities every month for you and your family to get connected.
We have two main focuses of small groups at RPC. Community groups focus on fellowship and building community and Cultivate groups focus on cultivating a deeper relationship with Christ. These groups meet on and off campus at different days and times. We try to have a small group for everyone and new groups are starting all the time.
We believe in serving as a part of discipleship (Matthew 23:11/ Matthew 28: 19-20). The Bible is clear that we are to serve others. At RPC we have multiple oppertunies to serve those at RPC as well as the community. Our serve teams are always recruiting and all training is provided.
RPC Groups
The Word for You Today

The Redemption Point Church Discipleship Department offers free printed daily devotionals for you to take and read. You can pick up one of these The Word for You Today devotionals at our RPC Life Desk. They are printed quarterly.