New Service Times 9:00am and 10:45am

RPC Marriage Retreat 2025

Marriage Retreat at the newly opening Town Place Suites in Pigeon Forge!

RPC Marriage Retreat

Join us on Friday 2/28 and Saturday 3/1 for a special weekend marriage retreat. The cost is $175 per couple.

Friday (2/28)-

4:00pm - Couples can check in and enjoy a dinner on your own in Pigeon Forge.

8:00pm - We will meet back at Town Place Suites for a special devotional session.

Saturday (3/1)-

6:00am- 9:00am - Hotel Provides Breakfast

10:00 am - Check Out of Hotel


TownPlace Suites by Marriott:

3076 Teaster Lane

Pigeon Forge TN 37863

See Pastor Kevin Rhodes for Additional Details

To make a payment of $175 click on the giving link and select the Marriage Enrichment Seminar option.