New Service Times 9:00am and 10:45am

Focus On Five

Top Five things you need to know about Life at RPC this week

Welcome to Redemption Point Church

Welcome to Redemption Point Church! We strive to be a Christ centered, Spirit-filled, Family Focused church serving the World. We are thankful you are joining us and we want to connect with you.

We have multiple opportunities to worship Sunday at 9:00am or Sunday at 10:45am on campus or online. We also offer mid-week discipleship on Wednesday evenings at 6:30pm and multiple small groups throughout the week meeting on campus and off campus. For more information about how you can get connected, please complete the card below.

Focus on Five

RPC Marriage Retreat

We are excited that this year our RPC Marriage Retreat will be in Pigeon Forge TN. We will be going to the brand new Town Place Suites 2/28-3/1. Cost is $175. For more information and to register please go to our website here. Childcare is NOT covered, that would be up to each individual couple.


RPC Students, Winterfest is fast approaching! If you have not registered to go yet, please do so ASAP! To register and for more information please go to our website here. Please see Pastor Rachel or Kevin if you have any questions.

Are you Updated?

As this new year begins, please take a moment to make sure that all of your information is updated in our system. If you have a new email, phone number, address, etc. Please fill out the attender update linked here.